Accoglienza Pellegrina
Pilgrim’s credencial

Pilgrim’s credencial

Our association is made up of hospitaleros who have decided to dedicate part of their time to welcoming pilgrims in the six donation-based hostels  where we currently volunteer:

  • Lamporo (VC)
  • Vercelli
  • Garlasco (PV)
  • Montignoso (MS)
  • Valpromaro (LU)
  • Ponte d’Arbia (Siena)

The idea of creating a credential useful for the most famous devotional Ways  Santiago, Rome, Jerusalem with all its variations) was born from the requests of pilgrims we meet during our volunteer work.  So, we had our own credential printed and started distributing it.
It has been deposited in the offices of Santiago de Compostela and Rome and is therefore valid for all Italian, Spanish and European routes that do not require a specific credential.


  1. It is available in all the donation-based hostels with which we collaborate:  Lamporo (VC), Vercelli, Garlasco (PV), Montignoso (MS), Valpromaro (LU), Ponte D’Arbia (SI);
  2. It can be sent by post to those who request it at
  3. Applicants will agree a pick-up point with the persons nominated by AP, located in different regions of Italy.


As with all our activities, the Credential can be obtained against a free and voluntary offer, bearing in mind that the total cost (printing and postage) is around € 2.
The offer can be left at the structure that distributes it;  when required  at, information will be given on how to send donation.