39° Training by Accoglienza Pellegrina/Hospitaleros Voluntarios in Italy
39° Training by Accoglienza Pellegrina/Hospitaleros Voluntarios in Italy

39° Training by Accoglienza Pellegrina/Hospitaleros Voluntarios in Italy

On the sunny weekend of 11-13 October, this year’s 5th course for new Hospitaleros Voluntarios was held at the Benedictine Abbey of Praglia, near Padua.
The magic of the Francigena and Jacobean way led the 17 participants, aged between 30 and 60, to want to give back what they had received during their pilgrimage. Their first service will take place in Italy in 2025 to welcome pilgrims arriving for the Holy Year, but many of them will repeat it in Spain.
A great harmony was immediately established between the participants and trainers. As always, training sessions  are a gift of friendship, complicity, serenity, humility and, above all, a commitment to serve others.
Special thanks to the two AP veteran hospitaleros who prepared a simple and inclusive menu.